Tips for learning a language

The goal of many students, and even graduates, regardless of area, is often to learn a new language. Being multilingual enriches the knowledge, makes the curriculum more attractive and opens doors to an exchange or living in another country.

With that in mind, we have prepared valuable tips and a complete content for those who are thinking of practicing a new language. So, let’s go!

But why learn a new language?

All ages and classes want to learn a language, but they always find several reasons to leave this objective aside.

But even with real obstacles, such as the high monthly fees of a language school or the lack of quality in the classes of public schools, if you dedicate yourself to learning it is very worthwhile.

Some of the beneficial reasons for this up in your study can result in

  • Starting your journey in the job market on the right foot: Even if you are a student who doesn’t know which college to attend, no matter which area you choose, having an extra language will help you in your search for employment.
  • Career growth: Having other languages in your curriculum, besides increasing it, may be the necessary highlight to get a job or the desired promotion.
  • Improvement in studies: Many students have the habit of navigating in research done in other countries, because the contents are not always translate.
  • Enjoyment understanding everything: If you have the desire to know new countries, it is a matter of need to know how to communicate outside the home. This, besides helping in the survival, becomes possible new engagements with foreigners and better understanding of new cultures.
  • Help health: Believe me: many doctors are recommending to patients suffering from anxiety, depression and other emotional imbalances the practice of study as a way to occupy their free time and decrease crises.

Therefore, taking a leap of initiative in the trip to the language books only brings improvements not only in your professional life, but also as a whole.

Results for those who have more than one language

The rapid growth of multinationals, the globalization of the world and the interest in research in a competitive market are great motivations to learn a foreign language.

The need for this improvement in national workers has increased greatly in recent years. The reason was the decrease of distances between continents, making communication in other languages an obligation in many companies.

As expected, the English language is one of the top priorities for professionals, and the reason is simply because it is the universal language. Wherever you are, someone will understand you.

Tips to become a polyglot

With all this content to help you understand about the subject, we have also prepared 10 important tips for your diving studies.

1- Discover your learning style: Many people have an ease to learn and others do not, but this is not always a problem. For the good learning of a language, knowing your super power of memorization is very important.

2- Learn to pronounce the words: The phrase “I understand what you say, but I don’t know how to say it” becomes more and more recurrent in those who start learning a new language. Focusing on repetition of words and phrases helps in correct phonetics and obviously in good conversation.

3- Study grammar well: In addition to good understanding in dialogues, correct writing is fundamental to raise the level in language classes. Reading, rereading and writing the same sentence several times is a great exercise to practice grammar.

4- Use words in your everyday life: It may seem a bit annoying to use phrases other than Portuguese in the middle of conversations, but it helps a lot! With the frequency of use of expressions in your everyday life, the brain starts to associate their translation and meaning.

5- Practice the alphabet: As in all alphabetization, to form words and phrases, we use the junction of letters and syllables, and in the learning of new languages is no different. So, saying the whole alphabet helps in the formation of writing and helps in reading those unknown words.

6- Learn by having fun: One way to attract private language schools is to bet on less boring and more dynamic teaching methods. This can really be a good way to awaken more the will to learn this new language. Watching movies without being dubbed, listening to a song and researching their translation, reading history books, watching videos, playing.

7- Set aside some time to study: Our daily tasks are very time consuming, we have complex and time consuming tasks. With all this journey, the tiredness and lack of availability to study get in the way. Reserve your energy and concentration to become literate in the foreign language is crucial to reach your goals.

8- Talk to natives or friends who also want to learn: With the arrival of Social Networks and Apps of relationships, the conversation with people from other countries is increasingly a reality in the circle of friendship. Setting aside time for a dialogue in the chosen language with you and even international friends is a good way to improve.

9- Focus on the most important things: Knowing the main reason to learn a language at the moment of life is something that can help to decrease the time it takes to acquire knowledge of that language.

10- Don’t give up when it gets difficult: It can be difficult to learn a new language, sometimes these difficulties come with discouragement and even with giving up. There is no magic formula, but with a lot of study and practice you will be fluent before what you imagine.

Now that you have good arguments to dedicate yourself to the new language, you have written down the tips on how to do it the right way and read about the reflection of this action in the market, taking an attitude is in your hands!

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